
7N1D NoahStrong: Gift Of 8 Campaign

North Bay
Clicks to Register:
108% to my goal of 371
Organ donation can turn tragedy into triumph. Organ donation turns loss and sorrow into a gift of life and opportunity for others. We recognize the need to provide access to organ donor information as well as initiate conversations with families on the importance of registering to be an organ donor.
Noah's Story
Noah was a healthy and talented young hockey player who proudly wore #71 on his jersey. His unexpected passing at the age of 13 was incomprehensible. Noah's organ donation however gave hope and health to seven individuals and their families. Because of his caring and compassionate nature, Noah lives on. Seven (7) lives were saved by one (1) incredible young man. The number 71 continues to remind us of how special Noah was and how his story of selflessness and courage can inspire needed conversations and action around organ awareness and registry. The NoahStrong organization goal is to enhance more lives of Ontarians waiting for life saving transplants by advocating for organ and tissue donation consent. To learn more about Noah's story please visit

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