Spread the Word

Alix Thorne | beadonor.ca
My 27 year old brother passed away on August 25, 2014. He was in completely good health. In an unfortunate accident fell backwards off his balcony and hit his head. After a few days of being kept on life support to do tests, we were told he was completely brain dead and technically dead.
Sitting there while they kept him alive for his organs, I was thinking how weird it was to see him there and know he wasn't coming back. Obviously I was a mess, but then the doctor told me about all the possible lives he could be saving and how he was going to take pain away from 100's of people, including family members of children who were dying and on a waiting list hoping someone like him had donated his organs so that they could live.
So, although it was not fair, the one thing that aided my ability to cope was knowing that so many other people we saved because of my brother