Allan Risk: Gift of 8 Campaign
1624% to my goal of 25
I have been married to the most wonderful woman in the world for 32 years, we were blessed with 2 wonderful children and I have always dreamed about walking our daughter down the aisle on her wedding day and being there for our son on his wedding day ( the speech I have written ) to be told at his big day has been written for years. I look forward to being a grandfather and growing old with my loved one's beside me.
Live today like it is the last day on earth, hug your loved one's like you have never hugged before
In 2003 I noticed that I was having shortness of breath more frequently, my family doctor sent me for an x-ray which showed scarring on my lungs. He sent me to a respirologist who informed me that I had a lung disease known as Interstitial Pneumonia UIP for short, this is a closing of the lungs, he told me 10 years ago that I would need a transplant in the future. Without it I would die. 10 years later I was put on the list for a double lung transplant and after 5 weeks we received the call of life. We were all very nervous and anxious at the same time that I was so fortunate to have been given this 2nd chance at life. I wake every day and sit on the side of the bed and thank the lord for this opportunity and ask him to look after my donor family ( not a day goes by that I do not think of them ) they have become a part of our family.
Please, register your consent to become an organ and tissue donor. Someday someone you love may need a transplant like I did.