Spread the Word

Get Brampton residents talking about organ donation
Brampton is home to approximately 523,911 residents. As of July 2012, only 53,690 are currently registered organ donors, making for a dismal 12% registration rate. For a city of Brampton’s size, this is simply unacceptable.
Spending over a month in the hospital with a loved one, I saw as not only they clinged on to life not knowing how long they had to live, but as so many others laid there in their hospital beds uncertain of how much time they had to live. I saw the toll it took on them, my own family, and other families dealing with the same problem.
The goal is for a 30% registration rate. It isn’t going to be easy, but it will without question be worth it. People in the hospital in need of an organ donor are in no condition to campaign for the awareness of organ donation themselves. I am here to get the citizens of Brampton to stand up and speak on their behalf. With BeADonor.ca, registering has never been easy. Help spread the word, and help save a life.
Michael Andrade