Spread the Word

Organ donation works....we are the living proof!
Every three days someone dies in Ontario because the life-saving organ transplant they need is not available, yet just over 30% of Ontarians have registered their consent to be a donor. It's really surprising, and it's not good enough. Especially for the 1,500 people in our province waiting for organ transplants and the thousands more waiting for tissue transplants.
The Canadian Transplant Association is committed to raising organ and tissue donation awareness and our membership of more than 500 transplant recipients is living proof that organ donation works!
We are asking you to register to be a donor and discuss your wishes with your family and friends. Giving the gift of life is the most altruistic gift one can give. It only takes 2 minutes to register your consent to donate. One donor can save up to 8 lives! Please register now.