
Claire Alice Stewart |

North Bay
Clicks to Register:
466% to my goal of 100
I was told I was sick well over 20 years ago. As my disease progressed, I was told I would eventually need a liver transplant. In 2013 my liver disease had progressed to a point that I was near death and put on an emergency transplant list. Several months later I received my liver. Today I get to see my boys growing into wonderful young men and get to be with my grandchildren and watch them grow. Thanks to a very important and selfless decision one individual and/or their family made, I live on with a new outlook on life and will be eternally greatful for the GIFT OF LIFE.
Anyone who knows me and loves me should register. The life you save maybe someone you love.
If someone you love needed an organ, wouldn't you want them to be able to receive it? There are so many people waiting for a gift of donation. Please sign your donor card and register on here to give the gift of life. Talk to your family members and encourage them to visit the site and get answers to any questions. No matter WHAT your health condition is, register today and let the doctors decide if you can be a donor.

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