Spread the Word

Cody McClelland | beadonor.ca
I have struggled with Kidney issues my entire life.Countless trips to the hospital and the fear of never knowing whats next. In 2010 my dad selflessly gave me a second chance at life, he gave me his kidney. Knowing the struggles that go on day to day for someone waiting on the transplant list, i feel like it is my obligation to give back in anyway i can. This year a friend’s Dad was told he will need a kidney transplant. She was in shock and turned to me with questions, knowing that I was aware of the circumstances of what it was like to have a failing organ. It has been my life long goal to make people aware and have them understand. It can happen to anyone: young, old, healthy, unhealthy, man or women. Please register and assist me in my life long goal. Be a saviour, be a DONOR.