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Dov Altman | beadonor.ca

Clicks to Register:
172% to my goal of 300

One year ago, I wondered how long I would be around for and what burden I will become to my family. However, a year ago a complete stranger gave me the gift of life by donating their lungs. The day I received my lung transplant was the greatest day of my life. It's when I knew I wasn't going anywhere and I could devote more years to my family and more time to raise more funds for Bar-Ilan University. At the same time, I knew I could live on only because of another family's loss. My heart reaches out to them every day. Their gift is allowing me to celebrate my life and with those I love the most. The gift has also allowed me to reach out to family and friends in order to register more and more people to become organ donors. My original goal was 150. Now that I have surpassed that, I have set a new goal of 300. Together, we can get there.

The best way you can help me celebrate life is to register to be an organ donor

Please, lets all celebrate our lives by registering to become an organ donor. It is easy to do. Give the gift of life - you will never know whose life you will save. Thank you Dov

Help Dov Altman | beadonor.ca reach their goal