
Frank Klees, MPP Organ Donor Registration Challenge

Clicks to Register:
116% to my goal of 500
Do miracles still happen ? Yes they do ! They happen through the minds of the researchers who discover new ways of preserving and transplanting tissues and organs. They happen through the skills of surgeons and medical teams who have been entrusted with transferring the gift of life to a dying patient so freely given by another. And miracles happen through the efforts of people like Alyshia and Bruce, though their efforts to raise awareness of the importance of organ donation in our community. I want to thank them and the many volunteers who will be supporting the work of the York Region Gift of Life Association in the years ahead. On behalf of us all, I want to thank the doctors and nurses who have dedicated themselves to this highly specialized and life-saving area of medical practice. It is not well-known that the work of our Ontario research and transplant teams are world-renowned.

Help Frank Klees, MPP Organ Donor Registration Challenge reach their goal