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Jemonteith@gmail.com: Gift Of 8 Campaign
My Heart Transplant Journey: From Desperation to Resilience
In those fateful 20 months, my body transformed—a silent rebellion against itself. I stepped onto the scales, and the numbers whispered a haunting truth: 130 lbs had ballooned to 160 lbs. But it wasn’t mere weight; it was the burden of a failing heart.
The Desperate Call to 911:
Breathing became a battle, each inhale a plea for survival. I knew—I needed help. The digits on my phone blurred as I dialed those three digits. The operator’s voice, calm yet urgent, echoed my desperation.
The ambulance raced through the streets, carrying me to Hospital. There, they drained the fluid that had swelled me—an internal flood receding. The doctors spoke in hushed tones, their eyes revealing the gravity of my situation. “Had you not made this call,” they said, “your story might have ended differently.”