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Ken and Christine Newport: Gift Of 8 Campaign
Hi - Ken and Christine here - in our personal lives and in our volunteer work in health research, we are seeing a growing list of people who need help via organ transplant. For a long time we were in favour of organ transplant but hadn't got around to registering. It turns out that we were fairly typical as more than 85% of Ontarians are in favour of organ donation but only one in four Ontarians have registered their consent to donate. It only takes two minutes to register...
Beadonor.ca is the simple, electronic and quick way for you to register your consent for organ and tissue donation. It only takes a moment to register with results that will be long-lasting and positive.
Considering that a single donor can save up to eight lives and enhance up to 75 more through tissue donation, it's really surprising to us that more people aren't registered. Please take a few moments and do so. And if you think you're registered because you have an organ donor card, please check your registration status to make sure. It could one day help, even save, someone in need.
We would truly appreciate you sharing this message and helping us with our campaign to register donors.
Thanks - Ken and Christine