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Kenny Douglas: Gift Of 8 Campaign

Ottawa East
Clicks to Register:
6% to my goal of 1000

Just under two years ago someone I shall never meet, nor ever knew, saved my life. After two years of waiting for a donor I received a double lung transplant. The donor not only saved my life, they also gave my wife a husband and my sons a father. Two years ago I couldn't brush my teeth without sitting down and gasping for air between brush strokes. Next month I will run the Ottawa 10 km road race with my son. Organ donation saves lives and transforms lives.

What greater gift can someone possibly give than the gift of life?

Only 30 percent of those living in Ontario are registered as organ donors. If a scenario unfolded in front of your eyes where you could save someone's life, would you take two minutes out of your day to save them? If a scenario unfolded in front of your eyes where you could save eight lives, would you take two minutes out of your day to save them? It takes two minutes. Be a donor.

Help Kenny Douglas: Gift Of 8 Campaign reach their goal