Spread the Word
Kevin Roach | beadonor.ca
It was Canada Day long weekend, full of drinking carrying on and everything else we Canadians get into during a long weekend at a cottage. News had come in earlier in weeks previous that my aunt had been sick and was in the hospital out west and many family members including my father had gone to visit, and maybe say good bye. And as I enjoyed my time with friends I was always making trips to check my phone for news as my phone was perched on the one spot on the deck railing that would allow cell service, there were ups and downs, and news was coming through 2nd, 3rd and 4th sources, kind of like the old telephone game played in grade school. Things were dire and not looking good for one amazing lady. What she was going to need, is a liver and being where she was was on the transplant list, she would not have the time. She needed a live donor, but people only have one liver....you can donate part of it and it regenerates......Whhaaaat?
Know matter who you are, you can give someone the greatest gift. We are amazing!!!!!
I was a match. Uh Oh! I'm a long time bartender and on again, off again pot smoker. but I stepped forward and volunteered myself to the Transplant Coordinator. With completely honest dialogue, I asked for the chance to do this for one of my favorite ladies. But I needed to do some work, I needed to basically clear out all the damage I had done, and I did. As a former personal trainer and junior/ university hockey player, I had a good idea of the dedication needed to pull this off. Ate perfectly, worked 40 pounds off in 9 weeks, and cleaned myself right out. Tested off the charts in all vital statistics, and was chosen to be the donor. It's been months and were both doing great. The feeling when I was told my liver was working is one I will never forget, pure satisfaction mixed with relief. In reflecting on this journey it's still amazing to me how just living healthy lifestyle, our bodies are ready to do this for each other, in effect giving them another chance to live their life.