Spread the Word

Krista Jonker | beadonor.ca

Clicks to Register:
92% to my goal of 500

I've always thought blood, organ, and tissue donation was important but it never really effected my life other than the odd blood donation.....Until my sis-in-law was in need of a kidney. It didn't seem like a big decision to be tested but certainly a little more nerve-wracking once we were matched. How could I not? I had something in me that I could do without and would greatly benefit someone I loved. Scared and nervous the rubber hit the road and we went for it and in 2010 she received my kidney. Years later she is doing well and has a better quality of life than she would have had she still been on dialysis. 6 weeks of recovery were nothing in comparison to the benefit she received. It's a joy to see her living life to the fullest

Your Turn!

Please take the steps necessary to register to become a donor. You don't have to be a living donor (although I have to say, it's completely worthwhile!!), but at the very least offer your tissue and organs to help someone live when you are no longer. There are so many just waiting for the opportunity to live. Please encourage others to register as well. Imagine someone you love having to be on waiting lists while we all have the opportunity to shorten those wait times significantly. Please please please, register! There's no checkbox on your license or little card you carry with you.....you MUST be registered on this site. Then let your family know about your decision. Make it a topic of conversation with those around you and spread the word.....BE A DONOR!!!!

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