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Lisa McIntyre: Gift of 8 Campaign
Liver disease doesn’t just happen to drug users and alcoholics.
My name is Lisa, and while still in high school I was diagnosed with an incurable liver disease called Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. Shortly after college, after living with the disease for several years and watching my health and spirit diminish daily, I was finally told that a liver transplant was my only option. Every day was a struggle to live with such a debilitating disease. I was always tired, but couldn’t sleep at night. My eyes and skin were a sickly greenish yellow colour, and I dealt with intense itching over my entire body. I had to put my life on hold. All of my energy was devoted to simply getting through each day. I was placed on the waiting list and given a pager so that when a liver became available, I would know to go for my transplant. My blood type, and the other hundreds of Ontarians waiting for a liver meant that I could have to wait several years for my life-saving transplant.