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Missy Deyo: Gift of 8 Campaign

Clicks to Register:
81% to my goal of 1000

Thank you kindly for coming to my site. It means more to me than you could know! In December 2012, I had my kidney removed. For two years I struggled through 18 procedures and 2 major surgeries as doctors fought to save my kidney after a routine procedure to blast kidney stones went very wrong. It was an extremely serious, often life-threatening illness - and it isn't over. Although my kidney removal was successful (it couldn't be donated because it wasn't healthy), I still live with constant pain and a weak left kidney. New stones are already forming, and they cause permanent damage, infections, and blockages - which is now all the more dangerous with only one weakened kidney left. These issues have been affecting me on and off since my first stones at age 15, so although I live an active lifestyle, eat well and take good care of myself, kidney issues will always be a part of my life. I was simply born with kidneys that don't filter properly.

Please help me make a difference.

This illness has been hard on me. I was unable to work for several months at a time, and the emotional toll has been devastating, but good things can come hard times. Many people have asked me how they could help, and for a long time, I struggled to figure that out. But as my story unfolded, I realized that losing an organ at just 25 years old, and with how often I have kidney issues, a transplant is likely in my future someday. I found my mission, and created sosomuchhope.org. There are millions of people like me, with their own stories of receiving or donating an organ, and sadly, there are also millions who will die waiting for a transplant that will never come, due to a serious lack of donors. You don't even have to be a living donor! Register today, and when you die, your organs will be used to save up to 8 lives! Help me reach my goal of 1000 new donors by Christmas 2013. What are you waiting for?! Read more of my story at: MissyDeyo.com @MissyDeyo on Twitter

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