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Robyn McGrath: Gift Of 8 Campaign

Rural Ottawa
Clicks to Register:
11% to my goal of 100

Life can change in the blink of an eye, don’t ever take it for granted. It was just over one year ago today that my father was diagnosed with end stage liver disease. It turned out to be the most trying, heartbreaking and stressful year of our life. Watching someone you know suffer day in and day out was heart wrenching. We are such a close family and I had just had a baby girl, there was no way that I was going to let this horrible disease steal my amazing dad, and her grandfather from her!

Your registration would mean so much to me.

For months, my father suffered tremendously. It was painful to watch and absolutely heartbreaking. It took 8 months, for my father to be listed on the transplant list. He was then told he may wait up to 5 years for a cadaver liver. There is no way my dad could have survived 5 more years in the condition he was in. As soon as I was able, I immediately applied to be a living organ donor. After several days of testing, and multiple appointments, I was cleared to be his donor! I was over the moon because there is nothing in this world I wanted more than to save my dads life. There is no better gift, and once done, no more rewarding or amazing feeling that being a live donor. It takes only a few minutes to register to be an organ donor and you can save multiple lives and improve the lives of several others. You can’t take it with you when you go, and there is no better gift than to save someone’s life. Their families will be forever grateful. Please, it only takes a minute - it is so important. I have a goal to have 100 friends register - please help me meet my goal.

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