Spread the Word
Sheikh Alaa: beadonor.ca
Sheikh Alaa Elsayed is a supporter of organ and tissue donor registrations. He follows the opinion that organ and tissue donation is permissible in Islam and is in fact, a noble act. This opinion is backed by the principal in that Qu'ran that, "Whoever saves a life of one person it would be as if they saved the life of all mankind." (5:32).
Sheikh Alaa believes that Muslims should register to be donors as long as they follow these four conditions:
1. The donor is not harmed by the donation
2. The donor is not forced to register
3. The organs/tissues are not bought or sold
4. It should be allowed if you wish to donate to a certain person, however you can also donate for the general public in need
Sheikh Alaa is currently the Director of Religious Affairs and Imam for ISNA Canada located in Mississauga. He is also an instructor and has a Bachelor in Shariah, an Ijazah of Qu'ran recitation, and has studied comparative religion.