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Teagan O'Brien: Gift of 8 Campaign
Teagan is a vibrant 4 year old little girl who loves going to Junior Kindergarten, loves doing puzzles, loves to play sports and loves to dance. She is funny, sly, intelligent, and brave.
For the last 4 years, Teagan has been visiting her nephrologist on a monthly basis at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and she endures numerous blood draws to monitor her kidney status. Being diagnosed with Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease, Teagan has only 16% kidney function which means her body is at high risk for developing high blood pressure, cardiac disease, and edema just to name a few.
Basically put, a person cannot live without their kidneys. So, the treatment for this condition is to either do dialysis or have a kidney transplant. Teagan will need to start one of these treatments once she falls below 15% function. That day is coming very soon.
Teagan will be placed on the Deceased Donor list as soon as her kidney function falls below 15% which will means she’ll have reached Stage 5 or End Stage Renal Failure. At this time, she will also be prepared to start dialysis treatments. In order to start dialysis, she will have to receive a surgery at CHEO to insert a dialysis catheter. Once this catheter heals and is ready to use, she will have to stay in hospital for as much as 3 months (but no less than one month) so that her doctors can ensure the right dose of dialysis