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Tracey Mackie Vlietstra: Gift of 8 Campaign

Clicks to Register:
7% to my goal of 1000

PLEASE BE ONE OF MY 1000 Times have changed. It used to be that you ticked a little box on your Driver's Licence and you were noted as a donor..... NOT ANY MORE. IF you wish to have your organs donated in the event of death, YOU NED TO REGISTER ON LINE!. Besides that, there is opportunity for "living donation" Registering on-line doesn't sign you up for living donation but it is something you can consider. Many of you know this story... I didn't tell it at first, kept things private but now I want to share. In 2007 a young student of mine was killed instantly in an accident at a park ice rink. Nicholas' parents had to make a decision during the most difficult time to help others. They donated many of his organs to other people who needed them. How unselfish. This inspired me. I have always donated blood and the next Valentines Day I registered as a bone marrow donor. I was at a charity event with Nick's Mom, Sue and she spoke of living donation. I went home and looked into it. I decided to register as a living kidney donor. The process took almost 3 years and 27 appointments at Hamilton St. Joseph's Hospital (they want to ensure you are healthy and the risks are absolutely minimal for a donor) Finally in April 2011. I donated a kidney. I don't know who got the kidney but in my follow up appointments I've been told the recipient is doing very well;. I didn't tell this story often, I didn't do this for applause or recognition but it is an important story to tell. Someone is living a better quality of life with a better chance of living longer and healthier and I helped.

If you know me, you know this is important to me... please register NOW. It only takes 2 minutes.

Don't leave it to your loved ones to make that decision during a terrible time. You make that decision. Make it now. I have set a personal goal of 1000 friends and family registering from this link... Please be one of my 1000.

Help Tracey Mackie Vlietstra: Gift of 8 Campaign reach their goal