
Will's Mission we need more Ontarians to register as organ donors

Clicks to Register:
0% to my goal of 500
I was 45 years old, married with two young children 15 and 13 years old. I was the main provider for the family. At the time I was a contractor with three projects on the go. I started feeling tired and it got worse, I went to the doctors and had blood work done. The next day I had to visit two of three jobs, so it was going to be a long day. The first site was out in Ajax, checked with my guys all was good. So I stayed until lunch and then proceeded to the Richmond Hill site. I walked around the site but was totally confused, so I went to my car and sat down, feeling bad. I didn't even recognize my workers when they approached my car. My foreman called my wife and she called me to stay there, until she came. When she arrived I thought i knew her so I went with her to the hospital. When I was seen at the hospital they told me that my kidneys had stopped working and I need to go on dialysis immediately. I was forced to stop working and started dialysis, 3 times a week, for 4 1/2 hours each time. My wife had to go back to work and my kids had to deal with a very sick Dad. I went on the transplant list and they said it would be between 5 to 6 years wait. WELL IT TOOK 7 1/2 years and then I got the call. My wife's face dropped and I thought something bad had happened, but it was the hospital calling me I was up for the transplant. We got all ready and called them back but it was cancelled, heart breaking after 7 years. Yes but I knew I was up and two weeks later I got the call and it was my time and it was a success. I am still in the recovery stage and taking on the mission to get people to sign up and start talking about organ donation. This is so important and everyone needs to know that Ontario has the longest wait time. WHY WOULDN'T YOU SIGN UP. I ask everyone if they saw three people drowning in the water and you knew you could save them, what would you do? When you accidentally pass you can save 8 lives, wait lists are all growing longer. Think of your kids and grandkids. We have the knowledge and the facilities to do much better all they need is more donors.

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