
Like most seven-year-olds, Carson loves superheroes. And in his case, perhaps the appeal is because he recognizes a part of himself in them.

Carson was born with blood clots in his heart, which doctors couldn’t explain or diagnose, and his parents were told that he wouldn’t live through the day. But he did make it through that first day, and despite the doctors’ doubts, that day turned into several days, and then weeks, and Carson kept defying the odds—but he needed a new heart. As a mere newborn, Carson received a pediatric heart transplant.

It wasn’t smooth sailing after his transplant, and his parents were told that he likely wouldn’t live past his first birthday. When Carson turned one, his doctors extended his life expectancy to five years. But true to his nature, Carson kept fighting, and kept defying expectations, and now at seven years old, he is expected to live into adulthood.

“I don’t know how I could have managed if I lost Carson. And on the worst day of their lives, losing their child, that family chose to save mine.”
— Tiffany, Carson’s mom


In speaking to Carson’s mother, Tiffany, it’s clear he comes from a long line of superheroes. She supported him through nearly constant hospital stays for over two years while Cameron, Carson’s father, cared for their three other children. Whatever obstacles have been thrown at him, Carson has always come back stronger—often to the disbelief of his medical teams. Carson is thriving today, and is just like any other kid his age. The fact that he loves his follow-up visits to the hospital is a true testament to the superhuman strength Tiffany and her family have demonstrated in protecting Carson’s spirit.

Carson’s family loves the holidays, which they celebrate throughout the entire month of December, with advent calendars, decorating, cookie baking, and activities with extended family. They weren’t always able to be together while Carson was in the hospital, and while his immune system was compromised—especially during the pandemic—so they are extra grateful to spend time together. “Since Carson’s heart transplant, this time together just feels more important,” says Tiffany.

Tiffany has been on both sides of the donation and transplant journey, as her father unexpectedly died when he was 45 years old and became a donor for several recipients. She couldn’t have known it when her father passed, but when Carson received his heart, she realized it had come full circle. And Tiffany is so grateful to the donor and their family: “They saved my life too. I don’t know how I could have managed if I lost Carson. And on the worst day of their lives, losing their child, that family chose to save mine.”

“It’s taken a long time for me to be able to talk about all of this, but it’s important. I would never judge anyone for their decision about organ and tissue donation because it is very personal, but we need to be having these important conversations. We know so many families who were waiting but whose kids just ran out of time,” says Tiffany.

Today, Carson is flourishing. And as he grows, technology is also advancing along with him, and Carson’s family is optimistic about what new innovations might be available by the time he is an adult. “A year ago, my husband looked at me and said, ‘We’re going to show them. We’re going to get our happy ending.’ And I feel really hopeful about all of it.”


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