Spread the Word

The most personal gift anyone can ever give.....
Every three days someone dies in Ontario because the life-saving organ transplant they need is not available, yet just over 30% of Ontarians have registered their consent to be a donor. It's really surprising, and it's not good enough. Especially for the 1,500 people in our province waiting for organ transplants and the thousands more waiting for tissue transplants.
Our organization encourages everyone to register their consent for organ and tissue donation – it can be done online in just two minutes, and you can do it right from this page. We're also asking them to ask their friends and family to register as well.
Families often ask us about organ donation, and how it affects funeral planning.
Join us for a free informational evening and learn how 1 organ donor can save 8 lives
Tuesday, September 16, 2014 at 7:00pm
Best Western Mariposa Inn, Orillia
Call to register: 705-326-3595