Spread the Word
Michelle Gillies: Gift Of 8 Campaign
Organ Donation is important to me and my family because it has given our daughter Natalie a chance to live life! She spent her first 6 months in hospital fighting for her life. Thankfully at 5 and half months old her gift of life came. She is now almost 9 months old and enjoying life outside the hospital, at home with her family!!
Words can not even begin to describe how thankful we are for organ donation. Things many people take for granted were huge for us ... taking our daughter outside for example. It wasn't until she recieved her gift that she could go outside.... feel the wind for the first time. We recently got to bring her home.. her first car ride, her first time in her own room, she got to meet her dog. Things we looked upon as a dream became a reality thanks to Organ Donation!